5 Tips for Small Business Owners to Reduce Their Taxable Income

5 Tips for Small Business Owners to Reduce Their Taxable Income

Reducing your taxable income is important for small businesses that want to save every earned dollar. To keep revenue and reinvest back into business, you will have to take advantage of tax-saving strategies like deductions or credits that can be utilized in two different ways: either by deducting certain expenses from gross earnings (like a home mortgage), which reduces what’s owed on taxes; Or receiving a government grant/subvention as opposed rationalized investment capital without having any additional liability. So a better idea is you can hire tax preparation services who can help you manage your entire tax structure.

Top 5 Tips to Reduce Taxable Income

1. Tax Software:

The latest software can help you find minor deductions and even missed taxes, reducing taxable income. According to an IRS report, about 99% of online returns have no errors while less than 1% face a mistake on their tax forms! With paper-based systems, there is still a potential for error of 21%.

2. Retirement Plan:

one of the easiest ways to reduce taxable income is by adding funds to your retirement account. As an entrepreneur, you should put away close $150k per year in order for it to be tax-advantaged and grow over time!

3. Employ a Family Member:

The IRS provides several options to reduce taxable income. Hiring a family member (spouse, children, etc.) for your business allows you to save taxes and eliminate them if paychecks are sent out too! But remember - just because this is an option doesn't mean that it will always work well in practice; there must be some kind of reasonable source from which payments come or else these strategies won’t help much at all.

4. Reinvest in Marketing:

Small business owners are always looking for ways to reduce their taxes. Marketing is an often overlooked yet effective tax strategy that can help you save money in the long run by bringing new customers into your company, which will generate less taxable income overall!

5. Medical Plan:

Healthcare plans and HSAs can help reduce taxable income. In addition, putting funds into an HSA for emergency healthcare needs saves taxes- so it's wise to take advantage of this opportunity if you have a high deductible health plan!

Did you know you could reduce taxable income for home-office work?

Filing accurate taxes on time is essential to meet IRS guidelines. In addition, this helps avoid penalties and late payment interest charges from the government! If you need help filing your business finances in order for them to be prepared properly so that when April 15th comes around there won't be any surprises waiting in the store - just good old fashion cash money ready for us all :)

Contact us here to manage taxable income & business financial now!

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